Easy Meal-Teriyaki Salmon Supper
…simple joy by simpler living
Sometimes you just don’t know what to make for dinner. Sometimes what you throw together is a hodge-podge of good enough. But other times your throw-together is fabulous! Today I am posting about a recent accidentally fabulous meal. Fabulously simple! Fabulously healthy! Fabulously delicious!
All cooking in my house is simple. Difficult cooking doesn’t fit into my lifestyle. I just don’t have the time or physical condition for difficult cooking. Cooking in my house is always healthy too. This isn’t to say I never eat anything unhealthy. It just means that if I am going to put in all the effort to cook, I want it to be the best. I know whenever I eat out it is not as healthy so I save my occasional treats for eating out.
Today I am sharing an easy meal that anyone can make that tasted fabulous, is healthy, and presents a pretty picture. It truly is so good that I would eat it for breakfast- if someone else cooked it for me😀.
Teriyaki salmon, fresh summer asparagus, crispy baked potatoes & onions
The prep is so easy that I don’t even have a recipe for everything. Here’s how to make it:
Simple Teriyaki Salmon
I have two shortcut marinades I buy and for this I used my favorite teriyaki marinade. I suggest everyone get a few healthy shortcut staples like pre-made marinades for those days when cooking completely from scratch is just too much. Teriyaki marinade seems to make every food delicious. I have used it on chicken, beef, and salmon with wonderful results each time. My teenage son who has been a picky eater says this is his favorite no matter what I cook with it. I marinaded the salmon for a few hours then baked it in the oven. There have been times when I don’t have time to marinade and the results are still great. Teriyaki sauce is so tasty! This teriyaki salmon was so good that everyone raved about it and couldn’t get enough! Super simple, super delicious!
Fresh Summer Asparagus
Fresh summer vegetables are so flavorful and satisfying. I love this time of year when they are readily available in gardens and farm markets. .Although any green vegetable would go with this meal, I happened to have 5 pounds of asparagus from a friend’s farm on hand so that was the veggie of choice. Fresh, in-season vegetables are always better than store bought counterparrs that aren’t as fresh and this was no exception. Roasted vegetables taste the best to me and are also so easy so I do that often. I just drizzle a little olive oil on a baking sheet and roast the fresh vegetables at 400 degrees for about 10-15 minutes until lightly brown, sometimesturning them halfway through. After done, I sprinkle a little salt on them, That’s it. So easy and so tasty!
Irresistible Crispy Potatoes and Onions
Onion rings had been a favorite in my family for the last few years. So much so that I searched long and hard for the healthiest ones available. During recent price hikes and food shortages, they not only got very expensive but also went out of stock. It had been on my list to figure out a way to make them from scratch anyway so when they were completely unavailable I was forced to try to find a replacement. The truth is I still haven’t gotten around to making onon rings because I discovered a cheaper, healthier and utterly delicious replacement!
I start with slicing potatoes and onions thinly. Then I spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet with olive oil. Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes, flipping every 7-10 minutes until golden brown. When done I sprinkle with salt. The repeated flipping is a bit tedious but gives it such a nice golden brown crispiness that is oh so good! My family devours these to the point we need to ration out portions to make sure everyone gets a fair share. They are so good we really can’t get enough; and so easy that I am never tempted to put in the effort to make onion rings.

1. Drizzle olive oil

2. Slice

3. Cook
So that’s it! A quick, very easy meal that rivals a fancy restaurant in taste and presentation. But this is much healthier knowing each ingredient and much, much cheaper. Happy simple cooking!
Wow, this recipe looks absolutely mouthwatering! I can’t wait to try it out. The combination of teriyaki salmon and potato crisps sounds like the perfect balance of flavors and textures. Thank you for sharing this delightful dish!
Regard Mel